17 Apr

The Dubai Schools Mystery Shopper Report

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This report aims to shine a light on the school admissions process.

With schools spending so much on advertising with the hope of attracting parents, we explore what happens when those parents enquire and move through the admissions funnel.




This report aims to shine a light on the school admissions process.

With schools spending so much on advertising with the hope of attracting parents, we explore what happens when those parents enquire and move through the admissions funnel.

The most significant findings in this report will be unsettling for school owners, operators and senior leaders.

The vast majority of the schools in this report are deemed complacent. Complacent in their treatment of parents, complacent in their processes for managing communication and complacent in their ability to convince parents about their education message.

It is a must read for school owners, operators and registrars who recognise that competition increases quality and highlights complacency. The power is back in the hands of the parents and sub-optimal processes and handling of data may prevent schools from developing their pipeline of prospects for the future.


Contents of the Report
About the Education Intelligence Group
The Competitive Landscape of School Advertising
The Mystery Shopper Survey
The Quality of School Websites
The Quality of Telephone Interactions
The Quality of School Visits
The Overall Performance of Schools
The Implications of this Report

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